CR MET Consulting Ltd. is closed for business
Affiliates & Links
Alex Holtzapple - METSIM International, LLC - METSIM Process Engineering and Simulation Expert, USA:
Kevin Charlesworth - Kevin Charlesworth Consulting - exclusive METSIM sales agent for Asia, Australia, China, India & Russia:
Calvin Morrison - Project Simulation Consulting - exclusive METSIM sales agent for Africa, Middle East & Europe:
Jim Groutsch - Meteng Pty Ltd. - Metallurgical Engineering Consultancy & METSIM Specialists, METSIM resources including LearnMETSIM for learning APL, and METSIM Extentisons for the enhancement of METSIM through advanced APL, Austalia:
ProOpt International - Software and Advisory Services - Using METSIM to make the link between data, modelling, and real time plant performance, implementation of Industry 4.0: